Secondary Teacher

Our Resources

The ChemSTEP project has curated several bespoke resources that can be used in your classes to raise the profile of chemistry-related careers: 

The ‘ChemDiverse: Profiles’ project gives you access to a range of career profiles that can be shared with your class to showcase the diversity of those working in the chemical sciences. 

The ‘ChemDiverse: Videos’ project is similar, but presents the career information, background and advice of diverse chemists in short video format. 

Another resource ‘STEM Videos (IAA)’ provides a suite of videos covering a variety of STEM career backgrounds.

You can also check out some of the websites of the employers that we work with. 

We send newsletters out to members of our ChemSTEP network, and past newsletters can also be accessed. Remember to sign up to our network if you want to get our up to date newsletters.


External Resources

There are a wide variety of resources online relating to careers in chemistry and aimed at students at different stages of their education. Some useful links can be found below, as well as on the student and parent/carer pages of the website.

Career Resources for STEM

The STEM Team have compiled a range of Useful Links for STEM Careers to assist in addressing aspects of the Career Education Standard.

Additionally, a variety of jobs/careers/apprenticeships have been mapped to the BGE Science curriculum.

And there are resources designed for use as lesson inserts, in the Laboratory Science – Careers Unit or with a series of BGE lessons.

Find out more about a range of resources freely available to use to help to promote chemistry careers to students.

Or showcase the range of careers in chemistry, to show that not every chemist wears a white coat!

Scotland has a rich history in the chemical sciences and this interactive map shows the history of chemists in Scotland.

While this resource focusses on women in chemistry.