Primary Teacher

Our Resources

ChemSTEP have an engaging six- eight-week activity where pupils can learn about STEM careers while undertaking related STEM activities in class. Step-by step advice is outlined in the ChemSTEP Science Careers Teacher Pack and PowerPoint presentation. Pupils can be introduced to career lessons using the ChemSTEP Primary Assembly  Homework activity provides opportunities for family learning. 

External Resources


There are a wide variety of resources online relating to careers in chemistry and aimed at students at different stages of their education. Some useful links can be found below, as well as on the student and parent/carer pages of the website.

The Royal Society of Chemistry have a site Steps into Science, devoted to Primary Science. Introduce primary learners to STEM careers and encourage them to explore their own skills. You can register for a free account which allows you unlimited access to RSC resources at This also gives you access to the Primary Teaching Empowerment Fund, where you can apply for grants of up to £600 for collaborative project or events that improve primary science teaching. 

The STEM Team have compiled a range of  Useful Links for STEM Careers to assist in addressing aspects of the Career Education Standard

Additionally, a variety of jobs/careers/apprenticeships have been mapped to the BGE Science curriculum.

Scotland has a rich history in the chemical sciences and this interactive map shows the history of chemists in Scotland.

While this resource focusses on women in chemistry.