ChemDiverse: Videos

At each of the tabs below, you will find a series of videos created by a wide range of people working in the chemical sciences, describing their day-to-day work, challenges they have faced and overcome, and advice they have for pursuing a career in chemistry.

During the videos you may hear different types of chemistry being spoken about. These include the following:

Synthetic chemistry - This is an area of chemistry which involves coming up with new ways to design and synthesise useful molecules, which may be used in pharmaceuticals, fuel, electronics, construction materials and paints and coatings to name but a few!

Analytical chemistry - This is an area of chemistry which seeks to examine the structure and properties of molecules, many of which are made by synthetic chemistry.

Process chemistry - This area of chemistry focusses on developing and improving methods to make new compounds for various industries. When compounds are initially made, they are made on a very small scale and so the process needs to be scaled up to manufacture the compounds in larger quantities. Process chemistry plays an important part in this process.

The chemistry career videos on this page were produced as part of the ChemDiverse: Videos project, funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry.